Retrouver sa magie – Finding your magic
Retrouver sa magie Il y a des hauts et des bas dans la vie, des périodes où tout va bien et d’autres où on remet tout en question et rien ne semble vouloir fonctionner. Dans les moments moins positifs, nous…
Retrouver sa magie Il y a des hauts et des bas dans la vie, des périodes où tout va bien et d’autres où on remet tout en question et rien ne semble vouloir fonctionner. Dans les moments moins positifs, nous…
Hello! As promised, here is my focus word for 2014. Actually, it’s more an expression than a word, and it represents exactly what I am going for. For 2014, I will focus on “LETTING GO”. As in simple, easy, positive…
Happy holidays to you, I wish you some enjoyable time off, relaxation, and good times with family and friends! Thank you again for being part of Virtual Secretary’s colleagues, friends and collaborators. The next few days will be devoted to…
Forego/Forgo If you skip dessert, will you forego or forgo it? Forego is to precede or come before. Forgo (without an “e”) is to do without. The introductory paragraph should forego the body of your essay. I decided to forgo…
Daylight Saving(s) Time Every spring, citizens in many places around the world set their clocks forward an hour to Daylight Saving Time—or is it Daylight Savings Time (with an s at the end of Saving)? Because the point is the…
I think good grammar is important and attractive! As a VA, it is part of my job to notice grammar, spelling and the proper use of words. Common mistakes can do serious damage to an otherwise stellar reputation. Think about…
I think good grammar is important and attractive! As a VA, it is part of my job to notice grammar, spelling and the proper use of words. Common mistakes can do serious damage to an otherwise stellar reputation. Think about…
I think good grammar is important and attractive! As a VA, it is part of my job to notice grammar, spelling and the proper use of words. Common mistakes can do serious damage to an otherwise stellar reputation. Think about…