I think good grammar is important and attractive! As a VA, it is part of my job to notice grammar, spelling and the proper use of words. Common mistakes can do serious damage to an otherwise stellar reputation. Think about the image you project and proofread, do some research, look it up…or ask me!
Mash, Press or Push
This is an error that may spark some controversy. It involves the usage of the word mash. In the southern United States, it is customary to hear the word mash used in sentences such as, “Mash the button on the elevator.” However, the best word to use for this sentence would be press. Mash means “to crush,” but press means “to act on with a steady force,” “to bear heavily down on,” or “to squeeze or compress.” Just remember that you mash potatoes, but you press buttons.
Source: www.grammarerrors.com